

"[My son] was really interested in Cotillion and my own experience of the hospitality and a welcoming mentality made me want to come back. The more that screens are a part of everyday life, the less we are looking each other in the eye and the more important this program becomes. This program is so valuable that I would embed it in the schools if I could!" - Melanie Sorli, Parent

"I really enjoyed cotillion -- I loved learning manners and how to dance. It was really fun and the food was awesome." - Sophia, Student

"I am really fond of the program and really like the message of having good manners and treating people respectfully. It is amazing how when Devon says something (the same things I have been telling my son over and over) how it sinks in." - Becky Stahl, Parent

The instructors really care. They remind me of youth group advisors who are so warm like family.” - Jillian Baxter, Parent

“I saw a lot come out of the program — especially [my daughter’s] ability to conduct conversation with adults. That is why I put her in and I saw clear results.” - Erin Martinez, Parent

“Even if my girls had said they didn’t want to return to the program, we would have signed them up again because we saw how valuable the program was. But they both wanted to go back! We loved how it builds on what was learned the year before. We love the Wellingtons and their program!" - Stephanie Maxwell, Parent