

Prom Etiquette

Our director, Devon Wellington, was invited to be on the Fox5DC morning show to discuss Prom etiquette. See all her tips and tricks!


Thanksgiving Etiquette

Devon Wellington was invited back to the Fox5DC morning show to share her tips on Thanksgiving etiquette. Regardless of the holiday, her etiquette tips will help you navigate any family event!


What does it mean to be a lady?

We think a lot about what it means to be a lady today. Is it just sitting properly and saying, "please," and "thank you"? We don't think so. There is much more that goes into being a lady today -- something we heavily emphasize in our program! We gathered some thoughtful and smart ladies (including some of our student assistants!) to answer the question: what does it mean to be a lady today?


3in30 Podcast

Devon Wellington was honored to be on the podcast 3in30 Takeways for Moms where she used her background as a developmental psychologist, and director of the Northern Virginia Chapters of the National League of Junior Cotillions, to share shares strategies for how to teach our teenagers to show appreciation, make a proper introduction, and be present where you are.


Livlyhood Blog Feature

Devon was featured on the Livlyhood Blog to share her insight on being a woman in today’s workforce and how etiquette is a strategic move for women today.